Saturday, 3 January 2009

Dr. Tomislav Sunic's New Official Website

Dr. Tomislav Sunic, author of Homo Americanus and other monographs, has a new website online. You can visit it here. His new website includes a full bibliography, essays, photographic gallery, and a compilation of links to video and audio interviews.

Published in 2007, I read this book while away in Wales, on the week I proposed to my now wife.

In this book Dr. Tomislav Sunić describes the origins and dynamics of America's founding myths. Quoting and translating from many long-forgotten or suppressed sources from the fields of literature, history, anthropology and philosophy, the book represents an interdisciplinary compendium dealing with the topic of Americanism. The genealogy of early Calvinist Puritanism mixed with the techno-scientific religion of boundless economic progress and legally veiled in the obscure para-Biblical and Jewish-inspired sense of political self-chosenness, created a system that has little in common with its original design. Postmodern Americanism, with its abstract theories of multiculturalism and its global desire for world improvement, turned America into a menacing and self-destructive continent that puts not only the survival of America's European heritage at risk, but threatens the heritage of other peoples worldwide as well.

As some of the more politically-oriented Black Metal musicians, particularly in Eastern Europe, have expressed views critical of Americanism and 'the West', this text might be of interest to people interested in understanding the ideologically-inspired facets of this corner of our music scene. Although there are many artists out there who simply emulate the attitudes of their peers, and, out of a desire to conform to the norms of the scene and establish their credentials as despisers of the mainstream, limit themselves to thoughtlessly reproducing the most common statements that happen to be in circulation (in other words, they have most likely have not read this particular author), I am pleased to say that some of our own artists (e.g. DRUDKH, ELDRIG / FANISK) are familiar with Dr. Sunic's texts and ideas.

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